Council Voting History

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Council voting history for São Paulo, SP - Brazil, São Paulo by Night

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
[Amendment] Angels 22-Nov-2016 15-Nov-2016 Abstain
[AMENDED] The Necromantia - 2017 Necromancy Packet 06-Mar-2017 27-Feb-2017 Abstain
[Bylaw Amendment] Reduction, the first (Rarity changes for Changing Breeds R&U's) 23-Aug-2014 16-Aug-2014 Abstain
[Proposal] Addition to changeling R&U 13-Jun-2015 05-Jun-2015 Abstain
Bylaw addition - Drakaina 26-Nov-2016 19-Nov-2016 Abstain
[Proposal] TERRITORY PROP CIET 15-Jun-2019 08-Jun-2019 Abstain
change in Character Bylaw 3 04-Feb-2017 28-Jan-2017 Abstain
R&U Bylaw Addition, Custom Content Notification Requirement for Vampire PCs 22-Jan-2015 15-Jan-2015 Abstain
Anarch Sorcery R&U classification 26-Jan-2015 19-Jan-2015 Abstain
[Proposal] Clarification of Experience Cost Variation and Rotes 22-Jun-2017 15-Jun-2017 Abstain
