Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Columbus, OH - USA, Wyld Prophets

Proposal Namesort descending Closing Date Opening Date CM Vote
[Proposal] Change to the Glass Ceiling: Disallowing of "tri-spec" 29-Oct-2019 22-Oct-2019 No vote submitted
[Proposal] Changes to Administrative Bylaw 7.C.i and 7.C.i.1.a [Autopass] 26-Mar-2013 26-Mar-2013 No vote submitted
[PROPOSAL] Changes to R&U Bylaws, 3.F.xxii - Dignitas for Ventrue Characters [AUTOPASS] 10-Jan-2013 10-Jan-2013 No vote submitted
[PROPOSAL] Changes to the R&U Bylaws for Ventrue Lore 14-Dec-2012 08-Dec-2012 Abstain
[Proposal] Character Bylaw 4 Change 16-Dec-2015 09-Dec-2015 Yes
[Proposal] Character Bylaws Revision 28-Apr-2016 21-Apr-2016 No vote submitted
[Proposal] Clarification of Experience Cost Variation and Rotes 22-Jun-2017 15-Jun-2017 No vote submitted
[proposal] Clarifying Chronicle Player Bans and Disciplinary Action Reporting in the Bylaws 01-Feb-2020 25-Jan-2020 No vote submitted
[Proposal] Clarifying Elder Powers 29-Jun-2020 22-Jun-2020 No vote submitted
[Proposal] Code of Conduct rewrite 06-Nov-2019 30-Oct-2019 No vote submitted
