[OWBN-Council] [PROPOSAL][Exception] Mediation Coordinators - Election Process Exception

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Other Public
Opened: 20-Sep-2023 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 27-Sep-2023 12:00AM EDT

I Destiny, CM of Bradenton Chaos and Entropy, Propose the following exception vote to remediate the current situation around Mediation Coordinators.

The Web Coordinator will be granted temporary rights to handle the application, discussion, and voting process for the Mediation Coordinator positions in compliance with standard process bylaws for coordinator special elections. They will open and accept applications for a period of not less than 7 days. Once application receiving is completed, candidates will be presented to council, and then added to council for purposes of discussion. Discussion will last not less than 7 days from the time all candidates are successfully added to the Council list. After the discussion period has ended, a vote will be posted to the website and opened to council for a period not less than 7 days and in accordance with Administrative bylaws 4.D. with the required modifications to allow the election of multiple individuals into the office.

This proposal requires a second and would require a ⅔ majority vote as an exception.

Reminders from Admin Bylaws:

3.A.iii.1.a: To second a proposal, reply to the original proposal and edit the subject line. Remove the “Re:” from the subject and add [SECOND]. In the body of the message, include the statement, “I/We/Chronicle Name second(s) this proposal.”


3.A.vi.1.a: Exception votes require a 2/3 majority of council in order to pass, and are used only to propose something that is not currently allowed by the bylaws.




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