Custom Blood Magic: Ritual

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Mortis
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

Intermediate Ritual (Pre-req Mortis: Path of Skulls)
The knowledges gained while consuming the skulls of the dead are indeed potent. With this ritual the caster is able to relive the ecstasy of learning one more time. With a prepared skull of a learned or wise man, the caster then recites the incantation feeling the rush of knowledge as the skull is consumed. This provides the mechanics of a mental trait refresh. The eating of the skull is part of the ritual and as such the skull can not be prepared and then eaten at a later time.

Date of Archival: 31-Jan-2018
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

Upon successful casting, the caster may enchant a garment bag or suitcase to be able to store up to the caster's Permanent Mental Traits in complete outfits.  These outfits will remain safely in the storage item for half their Permanent WP in weeks. These outfits may be altered in size to properly fit any person the Tremere can see so long as the Tremere also possesses the Path of Transmutation. Doing so costs 1 blood upon withdrawing the outfit.

Recasting the ritual on a container already under its effects will reset its duration without affecting the items. Should the container be destroyed, all stored outfits are expelled, undamaged, in a flurry of clothing.

Date of Archival: 08-Jan-2021
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Natib Athirat
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

Wood Runner (Intermediate - 3)


The player spends 3 Blood point and a trait of Willpower. For the remainder of the scene, the character may move about through a Wall O’ Wood, in the same manner a Gargoyle may move through stone using “Flow within the Mountain.”

Date of Archival: 02-Mar-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Black Hand Aljusuri
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

The secret ritual of the brotherhood of purity is held in reserve and preparations of those of the Lost Tribe who may turn traitor against them and join the enemy of the Tal’Mahe’Ra.  This ritual pulls upon the arts of the Kiss of the Asp Ritual that is performed on all Black Hand members.  All members of the Brotherhood of Purity have this ritual cast on them as well, and those outside of the brotherhood sometimes have this cast on them.  If cast on someone outside of the brotherhood but within the Black Hand, the caster always masks this ritual with another; so those receiving it have no idea this magic exists or what it does.  Much like Kiss of the Asp this ritual remains dormant and inactive in the Kiss of the Asp Ritual itself.  Should those with this ritual cast on them ever betray the Black Hand to the Tal’Mahe’Ra this ritual activates and forces the user to perform the Kiss of the Asp.
System:  Once cast on a target, this ritual is permanent and may not be removed by any means.  Should those who have this ritual cast on them betray the Lost Tribe to the Tal’Mahe’Ra by any means or way; their Kiss of the Asp activates and the victim dies.

Date of Archival: 02-Apr-2021
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Assamite Sorcery - Dur-An-Ki
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

By ritually preparing several types of clothing and outfits native to the faith of the ashpiu, they can for a time shift their own current outfit or those of another to more of their taste and liking. The clothes are prepared in ritual incense smothered into them as the ashipu prays to their deity and offers a sacrifice of blood. Once completed the ritual lasts for the remainder of the night, allowing the ashipu to change the clothes of themselves or others to something far more fitting for their tastes should they desire it.

System: The casting cost for this ritual is one blood trait. Once cast the user may spend 1 mental trait to change the wardrobe/outfit of a person from what they are currently wearing (including the casters own outfit). These new clothes form around the individual and shift their current clothing to the look and desires of the caster. This change in clothing lasts for a scene or an hour. This ritual has no other effects beyond simply changing what the person is wearing for ascetic purposes. This ritual lasts one night.

Date of Archival: 09-Sep-2018
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

Intermediate Ritual

When cast on a property, this ritual grants everyone who enters the Eat Food merit for the duration of their stay, and for an equal amount of time after they leave, after which they will immediately regurgitate anything they would not normally be able to consume. Those under the effects of this ritual suffer the effects and associated penalties of any intoxicants and poisons they consume. 

The Thaumaturge mixes equal parts red wine, and lard, along with two points of blood of the caster, and a pinch of saffron. Painting a symbol in the heart of the establishment and in the four corresponding corners.

Date of Archival: 14-Sep-2022
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Necromancy - Voudoun
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

This ritual requires the Hougan to acquire the stomach of an already dead mortal. The stomach is stuffed with various herbs and left to soak in a bowl of the Hougan’s own blood (at least three traits worth) for three days. After the three days the Hougan may ingest a quarter of the stomach, which will not induce the usual vomiting, in order to finish enacting the ritual. While under the effect of this ritual the Hougan may gain sustenance from the flesh of the dead, receiving one blood trait for each pound of mortal flesh she eats. The flesh must be from a mortal who died within the last 30 days. The downside of the ritual is that the Hougan becomes used to being full of blood and so must test for hunger frenzy when bellow 1/3rd of their maximum blood pool rather than the usual 1/4th.

Date of Archival: 22-Aug-2019
