Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Worcester County, MA - USA, Quabbin

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Datesort descending CM Vote
Revenants 07-Jun-2001 06-Jun-2001 No vote submitted
Exceptional Ghouls 07-Jun-2001 06-Jun-2001 No vote submitted
Handling Disruptive PCs and Uncooperative STs 12-Jun-2001 12-Jun-2001 No vote submitted
Ghille Dhu Runoff 16-Jun-2001 14-Jun-2001 No vote submitted
Selkies Runoff 16-Jun-2001 14-Jun-2001 No vote submitted
Imbued Hunters Runoff 16-Jun-2001 14-Jun-2001 No vote submitted
Election of a new Assamite Coordinator 19-Jun-2001 17-Jun-2001 No vote submitted
Vote for New Historian 31-Jul-2001 25-Jul-2001 No vote submitted
Ability of Justicars to make decisions at Conclaves 05-Sep-2001 30-Aug-2001 No vote submitted
Structure of the Bylaws to be formalized 11-Sep-2001 05-Sep-2001 No vote submitted
