Vote for New Historian

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Coordinator Elections (Special)
Opened: 25-Jul-2001 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 31-Jul-2001 1:00AM EDT

Application for Historian: Stefanie Moser
1. Why I would like to be Historian:

First and foremost the team that we have right now of Jessica, Mike, and myself work very well together. When Stephanie stepped down we all expressed the willingness to stay on and work to finish our projects that we have been
working on since earlier this year. I have enjoyed working with Mike and Jessica and the ideas that they bring to the table are well recieved. Even though I would be acting as Head of the Historians it would still be treated as a team effort just like it has been since we were all brought on
board. I would basically be the main contact person while Mike and Jessica would keep their assignments on the East and West Coasts respectively.

Second and just as important it's fun. I have enjoyed talking to the ST's and working with them on their Chronicle's Backgrounds, Sect Affliations, and whatever questions they may have concerning One World and Genre. I would like to continue working with the ST's and the Coords to accomplish the projects we have started thus far.

2. Availability--Currently I have complete email access (both work and home). However, I would be doing most of my work from home.

3. Experience in OWBN and with LARPing
I have been with OWbN for a year now of which I have served as the Midwest Assistant Historian since January 2001. I also served as Player Relations and Site Coordinator for the Indianapolis One World game. My experience in LARPing spans over the last 6 years with independent games. One
World is my first Large Organization game that I have had involvement in this extensively.

4. Any other applicable qualifications--organizational abilities and communication skills (including diplomacy) are important for this job.

Being a stage manager in Theatre for the last 4 years I have an extensive background in organizational skills, problem solving, and diplomacy. I have been serving as the Midwest Assistant Historian to Stephanie Klatte since she took the position, and have enjoyed all the work we Jessica,
Mike, Stephanie, and I) have put into it already.

5. The contact information for an OWBN ST, Council Member, or Coord who is willing to recommend the applicant.

Holly Davis
ST-Shadows on the Mall (Washington DC)

Thank you!

Application for Historian: David Voderberg
(domain of Columbus Ohio))

My LARPing Experience...

I started in '95 in Kenosha..
I have been playing off and on since then...
I attended and played in the GENCON '98 game for OWBN
My character currently resides in Columbus Ohio where
I am a narrator.
I have run in several independant LARPs, and I have a strong RPG, and gaming backgroud stretching through genres and across 2 decades.

I feel that I am uniquely qualified for this position.
I have a BA in film/video direction with a minor in fiction writing. I have edited science fiction collections. I have strong orginizational skills that come along with working on and managing film shoots. I have been LARPing for 6+ years, and I started in what is arguably one of the hardest chronicles in which to start. I feel that I understand the WOD. I read the supliments and absorb the material. I have served as a Narrator in OWBN and other one shot LARPs. I also have very strong computerskills. This is why I feel I am qualified for the Historian Position.

My ST is Jeremy. email:

Thank you for your time.

David Voderberg

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