Council Voting History

Primary tabs

Council voting history for Fredericksburg, VA - USA, Caine's Chosen: Liberty in Death

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort ascending
2005 Election for Gangrel Coordinator 07-Dec-2005 23-Nov-2005 Rafael
Right to Incorporation 05-Jul-2002 04-Jul-2002 Prepare
2007 Election for Tremere Coordinator 17-Dec-2007 02-Dec-2007 Peter
2006 Election for Tremere Coordinator 04-Dec-2006 27-Nov-2006 Peter
[Bylaw Amendment] Addition to the Administrative Bylaws under §6.B.i (Scope of Disciplinary Actions) 12-Aug-2014 05-Aug-2014 Option A
Hosting List and Emails Financial Vote 02-Aug-2011 26-Jul-2011 Option 2
Cam Coord Decision 08-Mar-2010 08-Mar-2010 Option 1
Revote on the Path Compromise Proposal 08-Aug-2004 06-Aug-2004 Option
Compromise Paths v. 1.2 22-Jul-2004 21-Jul-2004 Option
The Grandfather/Anti-grandfather claus 08-Aug-2004 12-Aug-2004 Option
