Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Frederick, MD - USA, Baltimore Imbued: The Charmed Hunt

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort ascending
removal of KJ dhampyr from R&U status [autopass] 07-Apr-2011 14-Apr-2011 No vote submitted
Coordinator census clarification 06-May-2011 06-May-2011 No vote submitted
Switch of Salubri Anti-Tribu's coord 12-Mar-2011 12-Mar-2011 No vote submitted
Elimination of Limitation of Attendance XP 03-May-2011 03-May-2011 No vote submitted
Change to Character Regulation bylaw 7.A 03-May-2011 03-May-2011 No vote submitted
Elimination of Physical Game Attendance Requirement. 02-May-2011 02-May-2011 No vote submitted
Update to the Sabbat Occult Underground Packet 02-May-2011 02-May-2011 No vote submitted
Territorial Custodianship Claim for Nosferatu Coordinator 02-May-2011 02-May-2011 No vote submitted
DARK GRIMOIRE 2011 03-May-2011 03-May-2011 No vote submitted
Restrictions on the '4th In Clan Discipline' Merit 05-May-2011 05-May-2011 No vote submitted
