Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Columbus, OH - USA, Wyld Prophets

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
2012 Coordinator Election - Tzimisce 05-Apr-2012 29-Mar-2012 Abstain
2012 Coordinator Election - Toreador 05-Apr-2012 29-Mar-2012 Abstain
[Special Election] Follower of Set Coordinator 2011 14-Oct-2011 07-Oct-2011 Abstain
[Special Election] Assamite Coordinator 2011 14-Oct-2011 07-Oct-2011 Abstain
Status Granting Positions in NPC Domain 13-Oct-2011 06-Oct-2011 Abstain
Status Granting Positions in Domains. 31-Oct-2011 24-Oct-2011 Abstain
[AMMENDMENT] [PROPOSAL] Brujah Bloodlines to Brujah Variants 14-Oct-2011 07-Oct-2011 Abstain
2012 Coordinator Election - Setite 05-Apr-2012 29-Mar-2012 Abstain
Player Base Notification Bylaw Clarification 12-Nov-2011 05-Nov-2011 Abstain
Clan Setite to only hold the position of Sheriff, Scourge and Archon 16-Aug-2011 09-Aug-2011 Abstain
