Change in Glass Ceiling Bylaw relating to Elder level Disciplines

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 23-Jul-2011 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 30-Jul-2011 11:58PM EDT

I hereby propose that Bylaw 4.A.2 under the section Character Regulation be changed


4. Glass Ceiling

A. Vampire PCs are restricted by the following:

1. Any PC who drops below 8th generation must be retired to NPC.

2. The highest attainable level of any discipline for a player character shall be advanced.


4. Glass Ceiling

A. Vampire PCs are restricted by the following:

1.Any PC who drops below 8th generation must be retired to NPC

The reasoning behind this is there is no mechanical or genre related reason for NPC's of 8th Generation to have access to a discipline level that PCs of 8th Generation do not. Changing this Bylaw would remove the double-standard that currently exists with 8th Generation characters. Since it is clear that the removal of elder level disciplines from 8th Generation NPCs is unwanted, this is the only other option of removing the double-standard

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