[BYLAWS] [AUTOPASS] Contingent Proposals and updating Player Base Notification Bylaw

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 26-Mar-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 26-Mar-2024 12:00AM EDT



I, Chase Jelliffe, as Assistant Head Coordinator, hereby propose the following changes to the Administrative Bylaws:


Add Bylaw 3.A.vii:


  1. Contingent Proposals

    1. Contingent proposals are proposals in which there is both public and private information within the proposal and the public information must be available for review by the player base as per bylaw 3.D.i. 

    2. The private proposal must include all information and is processed and voted upon as normal.

    3. The public information from the private proposal must be placed on its own proposal with a [CONTINGENT] tag in the subject of the email. This proposal will autopass one day after the private proposal passes. 

    4. Should the private proposal fail or be [WITHDRAWN], the [CONTINGENT] proposal will be considered [WITHDRAWN].


3.D.v Before:


  1. Should any private proposal include changes to the bylaws, changes to R&U classifications, bylaw exemptions, or other information that is publicly shareable, it must include a Summary Sheet. The Summary Sheet will only detail any information that may be shared with the player base – only this Summary may be shared with the player base.


3.D.v After:


  1. Should any private proposal include changes to the bylaws, changes to R&U classifications, bylaw exemptions, or other information that is publicly shareable, it must include a contingent proposal for the public information per bylaw 3.A.vii.


Reasoning: Per Bylaw 3.D.i, Bylaw change proposals must be made available for review by players on the OWBN website. Since 2016, there have been 17 plot proposals that included Bylaw changes in them that players are not able to review on the website, some of which have over 10 Bylaw changes. This proposal will make it so that players will be able to review all Bylaw change proposals moving forward.


Chase Jelliffe
Assistant Head Coordinator 1


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