[Proposal][bylaws][requires second] Temporary non legacy for things bump bump passed by the Anarch Coord

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Other Public
Opened: 12-Feb-2021 12:00AM EST
Closing: 19-Feb-2021 12:00AM EST

I, William Lee, as CM for Bartow propose the following; removal of any items that Bump Bump passed during our most recent Anarch Coordinator: Margaret Hill’s term.

These items will be evaluated by the next elected Anarch Coordinator, and will be done within 14 days of the end of the elections.

Reason: There have been multiple, multiple calls for people to let things rest during Covid. There were bump bump passes that were used knowing she was MIA, and I believe they were done despite calls by various CMs/HSTs/Coords acknowledging no one could contact her.

Reason 2: I don’t want these bump bump passes to hurt the genre, and be an issue during the elections. This last year has been rough on many, many people, and anyone who has a legitimate reasons for these approvals shouldn’t fear a future coordinator hear the reasons.

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