Custom Sabbat Ritae

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Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

This Mexican Ritus is the observation of the same Mexican Holiday commonly known as the Day of the Dead. The ritus is only performed on the Mexican Holiday and follows the same rituals and procedures as the mortal celebration (altars, toys, candy, alcohol, ect). However the purpose of this Cainite version of this ritual is to see, hear, and touch a fallen comrade. The altar must be adorned with things the slain Cainite would have liked, in hopes of gaining a visitation. At Midnight on November second the priest sacrifices some of his blood upon the altar in hopes of summoning forth his lost ally or friend. This ritus only works on the Day of the Dead and only upon slain friends of the priest (Additionally this will not summon any soul that has either been diablirized or reach Golconda before Final Death.). If the ritual is performed correctly the soul they seek to enjoy the brief company of will hear their summons. A soul such summoned will last to interact with from 12 midnight till the next sunrise. After this time the soul with return to the ether from which it came. Any attempts to use magical arts to bind or command a soul summoned during this time will fail, and will likely cause the ritual to fail for the priest in any further uses until he atones for the offense. This ritus will also fail should the priest attempt to summon an enemy or someone they generally did not consider themselves close to.

Date of Archival: 03-Apr-2016