Custom Blood Magic: Ritual

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Natib Athirat
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

Seeds of Eden (Basic - 1)


Lilith stole seeds from the Garden of Eden to establish her own garden of pain and enlightenment.  To emulate the Dark Mother, Bahari have grown a tradition to steal seeds from another Bahari’s garden.  When you steal these seeds and grow them in your garden, it creates an effect be able to sink up with the life-essence of the Baharist who first created the Garden.  This allows the Lilin to be able to know the owners state of condition.


Mechanic: The Baharist steals seeds from another Garden.  Once the seed is planted and grows to a healthy state, it allows the caster to know the condition of the original owner.  When the plant is living, the Baharist is alive.  If the plant is staked or torpored, then the plant appears frozen.  If the plant has withered and died, then the Baharist has perished.

Date of Archival: 02-Mar-2015