Custom Blood Magic: Ritual

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

Intermediate Ritual

Geometry teaches that to define a plane a point beyond the dimension is needed.  A line shows one dimension, a triangle two, a cube three and so on.  Mathematics is not the forte of House High Saturday, but the magi certainly work with more planes than the standard mathemetician and must understand this basic principle, even if intuitively, to address some of the concerns that they handle on a nightly basis.

By spending three Blood Traits and drawing a complex septogram with human ash using an ash wand steeped in sandlewood oil the thaumaturge is able to define an area (no larger than a house) that is warded by this ritual.  The next three times that a being, on any plane of existence, cross the thresshold the caster will be aware that something crossed his barrier.  Similarly, if the barrier is destroyed before three individuals have crossed it, the caster is aware of its destruction.

Date of Archival: 19-Feb-2015