Custom Blood Magic: Path

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Path
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:


Cost: 1 blood point

Mechanic: Up 2 traits on all visual-related challenges for an hour or the scene. Cannot stack multiple uses of this level. Best used with powers of perception that rely on vision.

Eye Appearance: Iris turn gray, fairly Masquerade safe.

Combat Use: None, except for finding hidden opponents etc.

Retest: Investigation here applicable.

Cost: 1 blood point

Mechanic: Give the same benefits as "Eyes of the Beast" and the negative trait Bestial due to eye appearance. Lasts an hour or a scene.

Eye Appearance: Iris becomes gold and green flecked, pupils become cat-like, meaning in pitch black the pupils will take up most of the iris, but in bright light they will slit and one could be mistaken for having serpent eyes, etc. Best covered by sunglasses to be Masquerade safe.

Combat Use: Same as with "Eyes of the Beast"

Retest: N/A

Cost: 1 blood point

Mechanic: Gives the ability to see three times as far as normal, or to magnify small objects up to three times. Can be combined with other visual perception powers. Lasts one hour or a scene.

Eye Appearance: Iris is completely gold, pupil takes on a silver appearance. Not real Masquerade safe.

Combat Use: Enhances "line of sight powers" but keep in mind that powers where the target must hear or otherwise be interacting with the caster may be unusable. 

Retest: Usually Investigation

Cost: 1 blood point

Mechanic: As "Shroud Sight" except unlike "Shroud Sight" there is a slightly disorientating double sight which imposes the negative trait of "oblivious" while this power is active. This power lasts an hour or a scene.

Eye Appearance: Entire eye is completely white. Is a potential Masquerade breach.

Combat Use: Can be used to see wraiths and other entities in the Shadowlands, but unless the user can pierce the Shroud physically, then none.

Retest: Usually Investigation if applicable.

Cost: 1 blood point

Mechanic: Win on ties for all visual perception related challenges. In addition, the caster is immune to the first two levels of Obtenebration and all vision-related illusions formed by the first four levels of Chimestry. Due to the physical change in the caster's eye appearance the caster gains the social trait intimidating to those that are interacting with him and where the eyes are apparent. Power lasts one hour or a scene.

Eye Appearance: Eye becomes completely black, almost as if it is swallowing up all of the light. Extremely Masquerade unsafe, see above.

Combat Use: Mainly defensive or investigative. Kind of wrecks Obfuscate and Obtenebration and all minor visual illusions. 

Retest: Usually Investigation.

Note: When multiple levels of this power are stacked, the highest level being utilized will be apparent. The caster can end any of the effects at will.

Ritual of the Tell Tale Heart (Intermediate Ritual)

The dangers of the more subtle of Kindred powers are arguably more than the Speed of the Toreador, Strength of the Brujah, Claws of the Gangrel or Physical Resistance of the Ventrue. The creator, being more into the subtle than the direct, wishes to create a substance that will detect the use of Kindred powers when used on a creature. His theory is that by embuing an object with vitae that has an affinity toward a certain discipline, any use of that power directed at it (meaning the person carrying the object) will cause it to react. This reaction could be caused to become apparent to the victim.

This ritual requires the heart of a mammal (of any size), the vitae of a Kindred who has at least a basic understanding of the discipline to be targeted and a specially created vial to contain the above two.
When completed, the heart will have magically soaked up all of the blood and appear to be in perfect condition. It is placed in the vial to complete the ritual. The vial need be carried on one's person to provide a connection to the vial and heart. The first time the bearer is targeted with the discipline that the heart is keyed to, it turns black and begins to decay at about a rate of an hour to completely turn to ash. Multiple vials will all react at the same time so carrying more than 1 per power will be fairly useless.
While this may not actually protect the bearer in anyway, it may allow future investigations some measure of insight on certain situations. The ritual when it is active is not keyed to any particular person, just a certain power. Thus it could be given to a ghoul or loyal retainer for checking after they have gone to have a meeting with one's rival and so forth. It is found that a lead shielding of at least 1/4 inch thick will prevent these from activating, so a small lead-lined box would allow for multiple vials to be carried, just not active. Once the heart has "told" it of course needs to be discarded while the vial itself is reusable.

When created, a heart is soaked in a blood point from a kindred who has at least one level of the chosen discipline that the creator wished to be warned against. The heart is placed in a specially created vial which may be reused after the heart has been used up. The first time that the chosen discipline is used on the bearer of the heart/vial, the heart will turn from normal looking to black and it will start to decay at a fairly rapid rate. At the end of about an hour it will have dissolved completely. This allows the bearer to know somewhat how long ago they were affected. The discipline in question must be one that is directly targeting the bearer and require a contested challenge. Example: Aura Perception would not set it off, but telepathy would. Entrancement would but Magisty would not since it is a defensive power. Thaumatergy paths would need to be "keyed" individually. As stated in the previous section, all of the vials that are keyed to a certain discipline will all activate if multiple are carried.

Date of Archival: 21-Feb-2015