Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Evansville, IN - USA, Paradise Lost

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
[Proposal] Amendment to Character Bylaws 3: Experience Points 11-May-2017 04-May-2017 Against
Gargoyles disallowed to have Iron Heart - Re-write 22-Apr-2017 15-Apr-2017 Against
change in Character Bylaw 3 04-Feb-2017 28-Jan-2017 Against
[PROPOSAL] [BYLAW] Bylaw Change Summary sheet for Plot 22-Jan-2017 15-Jan-2017 Against
[Bylaw] Mandatory Voting Prop 22-Dec-2016 15-Dec-2016 Against
Change to R&U - True Faith 05-Jul-2016 28-Jun-2016 Against
Increase of Starting XP Cap to 90 Points 16-Jun-2016 09-Jun-2016 Against
[Bylaw Amendment] Update Administrative Bylaw 3.A.ii and 3.B.ii 04-Dec-2014 27-Nov-2014 Against
[AMENDMENT] Brujah Paths of Enlightenment 05-Jun-2016 29-May-2016 Against
[Bylaw Amendment] Path of Levinbolt Administration (again) 11-Feb-2015 04-Feb-2015 Against
