Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Allentown, PA - USA, Steel Valley by Night

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
[Genre Proposal] Restriction of Brujah Lore 29-May-2012 22-May-2012 Abstain
CBC position changes 21-Jan-2012 15-Jan-2012 Abstain
[AMENDMENT 1] [Bylaws] [Genre Packet] [AutoPass] Ladder of Heaven Packet 2023 and Bylaw Updates 31-May-2023 24-May-2023 Abstain
2016 General Elections - Sabbat Coordinator 15-Mar-2016 08-Mar-2016 Adam Sartori
[Elections] Sabbat Coordinator Elections 2013 10-Mar-2013 02-Mar-2013 Adam Sartori
[Proposal][Bylaw Amendment] Restoring the discussion period for the HC Election 06-Nov-2014 30-Oct-2014 Add a Head Coordinator discussion period and begin elections on January 25th
Mage - Restricting supernatural Mage items to Mages 16-Jun-2016 09-Jun-2016 Against
Fixing the 'Rebirth from Hell' Situation 17-Jun-2016 10-Jun-2016 Against
[Proposal][Bylaws][Requires Second] Proposal discussion modification 21-May-2021 14-May-2021 Against
[Proposal][Bylaws] Amendment to Character Bylaw 3.c 20-May-2021 13-May-2021 Against
