[Proposal]Sadhana bylaw fix

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 20-Dec-2017 11:55PM EST
Closing: 27-Dec-2017 11:55PM EST

Hi everyone,
Per the other thread, I propose the following bylaw change:
Non-Daitya with or Rakta-Sadhu Ravnos with Sadhana (Ravnos) - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Setite or Ravnos
Non-Daitya with or Rakta-Sadhu Ravnos with Sadhana (Ravnos) - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Ravnos
Reasoning; FoS Coord had approval over Sabbat with rogue Sadhana years ago, and it got removed and switched me, under Jen and then Stacey. This is just another error in the bylaw rewrite.
Ravnos Coord 

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