[Proposal] Change to Character Bylaw 7.c.i

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 20-Nov-2017 11:55PM EST
Closing: 27-Nov-2017 11:55PM EST

I, Larry Petersen, CM of Stamford: Shadows of the Gold Coast, propose the following changes to Character Bylaw 7.c.i

7.c.i. From: 

PCs learning any Custom Content previously created by another Character needs to Notify the appropriate Coordinator as per the above guidelines and must also have learned the custom content from the character that created it or another character who can accurately trace the instruction to the original creator.


PCs learning any Custom Content previously created by another Character needs to Notify the appropriate Coordinator as per the above guidelines and must also have learned the custom content from the character that created it or another character who can accurately trace the instruction to the original creator. This is to exclude any power or mechanic that is contained within a packet. Coordinators may, at their discretion, also exclude a power from this clause if they have sufficient need to do so and a recent packet that would cover the power or mechanic has not been updated within ONE calendar year.


Changing this cause it is going to cause a lot of headaches if it isn't changed. 


Stamford: Shadows of the Gold Coast CM


spy offersNike WMNS Air Force 1 Shadow White/Hydrogen Blue-Purple

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