[Amendment]Storyteller Vault 2.0

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 08-Sep-2017 12:05AM EDT
Closing: 16-Sep-2017 12:05AM EDT

I, Larry Petersen, as council member for Stamford: Shadows of the Gold Coast - propose the following: 

Mechanics from The Storyteller's Vault does not need to be regulated within the org, but counts as Custom Content until such regulation regarding specific items within are passed. 
All other non mechanics content must be brought in specifically by the appropriate genre coordinator, and in the case of a conflict to decide who the appropriate coordinator would be, a final decision may be explicitly made by the head coordinator. New clans or bloodlines are immediately coordinator approval under this system and any meta plot or changes that would require a proposal will require a proposal to bring in. 
For example, content published in The Storyteller's vault that was a combination power that included protean would still fall under the Gangrel Coord, as Protean based custom content, until a proposal or packet passes to change its rarity. 

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