[Proposal] Change to Administrative Bylaw 2.A.i

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 24-Nov-2015 11:55PM EST
Closing: 01-Dec-2015 11:55PM EST

Good Morning,
Heartland Alliance hereby proposes the following Administrative Bylaw change.  The reason for this change:  Character sheets and plot details are common appearances on Council.  This move will help contain the sensitive details as they are presented going forward.  Note - no Legacy/Grandfathering in positions already filled, Games will have 1 month (30 days) to comply to this Bylaw change.
~~ Change Details ~~
2.A.i.  One (1) voting representative from each full member chronicle. A voting representative may serve as a voting representative for only one full member chronicle at a time.
2.A.i.  One (1) voting representative from each full member chronicle. A voting representative may serve as a voting representative for only one full member chronicle at a time.  This representative must be a storyteller for the game they are representing.


CM of Heartland Alliance


Sport mediaZapatillas de baloncesto Nik

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