[Coordinator Bylaws] Marketing Coordinator - Position Review, Part II

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 24-Oct-2014 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 31-Oct-2014 12:00AM EDT

This is a follow-up to this ballot: http://www.owbn.net/votes/83670

If the result of Ballot #1 is that the majority of Council voters chose to retain the Marketing Coord position, Council will immediately move into a vote on how the Marketing Coord will be selected going forward. For this conditional proposal, Council will vote on the following two options (Abstain option still available) and that vote will last for seven days:

  • Marketing Coordinator is Elected
  • Marketing Coordinator is Appointed

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Ballot Options
Marketing Coordinator is Elected
Marketing Coordinator is Appointed