[Exploratory] Whether OWBN should investigate and potentially develop a plan to migrate to the new MET rules system

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Other Public
Opened: 16-Aug-2014 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 23-Aug-2014 12:00AM EDT

I, Jessica Karels, as Head Coordinator, submit the following public proposal:

Should One World By Night take further steps to develop a plan to migrate to the new Mind's Eye Theatre rules from By Night Studios, with the understanding that said plan would need to be voted on and approved before it can be implemented?



A visual explanation of this proposal can be found here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9eh4AQBsES9b256NUR2MU05Qjg/edit?usp=dri...

The purpose of an exploratory proposal such as this one is to gauge our interest, at a per-chronicle level, on whether or not we as an organization are open to pursuing a potential change before deeper discussions are had to figure out if such changes are feasible and how to best implement them. By using chronicle/Council votes at these key decision points, we can then say that these discussions are mandated by the majority of chronicles in our organization, rather than pushed by a vocal minority.

The intention of this prop is to first have the organization as a whole decide WHAT we are going to do. If this proposal passes, will then discuss the steps necessary for us to make the transition (the HOW), and through that decide whether or not such a transition is feasible.


Determining Outcome:
If the result of this prop is a "Yes" then we are saying that OWBN is open to the possibility of transitioning to the BNS materials. A majority vote of "Yes" means that our organization will then immediately begin a series of several discussions and subsequent votes necessary to decide if and how the organization transitions to the BNS rules.

Several discussions will take place should this prop's outcome be "Yes," including (but not limited to):

Genres: what to do with non-Vampire genres of the organization

  • Story: whether to continue our timeline and story, adopt the timeline and story outlined by the BNS book, or to do some kind of merging of the two
  • Characters: whether a character reset is in order, or some type of re-spec will be used, how much XP characters will get under BNS
  • Bylaw Additions: What new Bylaws will be necessary to maintain the integrity of the system when it comes to the Merit restrictions, Custom Content, and other such issues
  • Bylaw Reductions: What old Bylaws will no longer be necessary

If the result of this prop is a "No", then we are saying that OWBN is not open to the possibility of transitioning to the BNS materials at this time. For the purpose of this proposal we will have two options that both count as "No" when it comes to determining a majority vote.

The first "No" option is to simply state that we as an organization do not wish to engage in further conversations/votes on if and how to transition to the new Minds Eye Theatre materials, without any restrictions on Council Members bringing up their own proposals.

The second "No" option places a one year moratorium on proposals regarding an org-wide migration to the new Mind's Eye Theatre materials.


In Summary:

Should the "Yes" option receive the majority vote, then Council will have voted in the "Yes" option, and we will immediately begin discussions/votes to decide if and how the organization transitions to the BNS rules.

Should the combination of the two "No" options receive the majority vote, then Council will have voted in the "No" option, and we will not formally initiate those discussions.

Should the "No + moratorium" option receive the majority vote, then the one-year moratorium takes effect.


Also, per Administrative Bylaw 3.C., I am defining the Quorum at 85 chronicles (~2/3 of the chronicles that are eligible to vote). This means at least 85 games have to cast a vote (whether for / against / abstain) for this proposal to pass and for the impact of the "Yes" and "No" outcomes to take effect.

Running sneakersNike

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Ballot Options
Yes - Immediately proceed to discussions/proposals to determine if and how to migrate to the BNS materials
No, and place a 1 year moratorium on Council proposals involving migration to the BNS materials