[Proposal] Change to Administrative Bylaw 4. Elections

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Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 21-Apr-2014 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 28-Apr-2014 12:00AM EDT

I, Chris Haffly, CM of Columbus in Darkness, propose the following Bylaw Change to Administrative Bylaw 4.

4.D Election Procedures
     1. Elections, while public, will only show which game has voted, not who they have voted for until after the voting period.
     2. Comments from voting chronicles will also be disabled at the time to ensure anonymity for election votes only.

The purpose of this proposed change is to prevent electioneering, poor comments on the OWbN site, and the trend to vote for whomever is winning when some games vote after others.

It is also up to the CM/ST of the game to share with their players which coordinator they voted for, not the while of OWbN the second elections go up and games vote.

The web team has stated this is possible.

This proposal has the support of the Tremere and Gangrel Coordinators.

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