[Elections] Assistant Head Coordinator Elections 2013

Status message

Displaing output for popularity voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Coordinator Elections (Full Term)
Opened: 02-Mar-2013 11:00PM EST
Closing: 10-Mar-2013 11:58PM EDT

The applications for the Assistant Head Coordinator can be found at http://www.owbn.net/coord-applications/2013/ahc-1


You receive two votes during this election. The two applicants who receive the most votes will become Assistant Head Coordinator 1 & Assistant Head Coordinator 2.

Your choices in this vote are:

Alissa Ammerman

Autumn Wright

Daniel "Desastrado" Martins Ferreira

Linsey "Echo" Guertin

Reject All Applicants




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Ballot Options
Alissa Ammerman
Autumn Wright
Daniel "Desastrado" Martins Ferreira
Linsey "Echo" Guertin
Reject All Canadates