[PROPOSAL] 2012 Gangrel Coordinator Special Election

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Coordinator Elections (Full Term)
Opened: 23-Nov-2012 12:00AM EST
Closing: 30-Nov-2012 11:58PM EST

Pursuant to Administrative ByLaw 4.C:

Special Elections

  1. Should any Coordinator position become unfilled during a term, a special election must be held.
  2. The Head Coordinator may appoint someone to fill the position until the special election is completed.
  3. The appointee will be treated as an Elected Coordinator, except that the appointee will only serve until the Special Election is complete.
  4. The Head Coordinator will announce the Special Election on the Council, ST, and OWBN-OOC mailing lists and will accept applications for fourteen (14) days.
  5. The vote will then proceed following the bylaws in Administrative Bylaws, Section 4, Subsection B, Other Coordinator Elections.
  6. Should the position become vacant within one (1) month of the Head Coordinator Election, an appointee may serve until elections are complete.

And in Conjunction with Administrative By-Law 4.B., as required above:

  1. Other Coordinator Elections
    1. The Head Coordinator will nominate all other Coordinators.
    2. The Head Coordinator will accept applications for nominations for a minimum of two (2) weeks from the time the application procedure opens, which must be posted to the Council, ST, OWBN-OOC, and mailing lists in addition to the OWbN website.
        1. The Head Coordinator is required to nominate any applicant who has the support of five (5) or more member chronicles of OWBN. They may decline candidates with less support at their discretion.
        2. Each candidate must list prominently on their application from where their support is coming.
          1. Chronicles may support more than one candidate in this manner and they do not have to vote for the candidate(s) they supported.
          2. Current Coordinators may also support individual candidates. This support is a traditional method, and may count towards the five (5) support required, but is not officially required to be counted towards the support required.
    1. Should only one person submit an application for a given position, then the Head Coordinator may nominate that one applicant without a second applicant on the same ballot or extend the time for collecting applications as the Head Coordinator sees fit.
    2. The Head Coordinator may indicate which nominee is preferred.
    3. The Ballot will be presented to Council seven (7) days before the voting period begins for discussion, but no later than March 27th without a ratified proposal granting the Head Coordinator an extension.
    4. The Ballot will be posted on the Council, ST, and OWBN-OOC mailing lists at the beginning of the vote discussion period.
    5. The vote will open on the day after the fourteen (14) day council discussion period, and close at the same time seven (7) days later.
    6. All candidates for Coordinator positions will be put on Council during the fourteen day discussion period, and election week, to defend and explain their platforms. Those not elected shall be removed once the voting period is done.
    7. The nominee carrying the most votes on Council shall become Coordinator.
      1. In case of a tie, the Head Coordinator may either break the tie or hold a run-off election between all tied parties.
      2. For a run-off election, only the candidates who were tied will be on the ballot. The option to reject all candidates will be removed. The option to abstain will remain.
      3. If the election is still tied after the run-off vote, the HC will break the tie.
    1. Coordinators will serve beginning two weeks after the election vote for their election closes, including any run-off election that may have taken place. The current Coordinator will be expected to brief the Coordinator-elect during these two weeks on issues and events relating to the particular Coordinator position being assumed by the Coordinator-elect.

I, Robert Crosby, as Head Coordinator, do hereby nominate the following for the position of Gangrel Coordinator, following the resignation of Chris Klackring - the previous Gangrel Coordinator:

Brendan Ammerman
Reject All Candidates

This election proposal will be discussed for 14 days, pursuant to regulation, and will open after 14 days on November 23rd 2012, after which point the vote will open and then close on November 30th, 2012.

My preferred candidate is Brendan Ammerman, who Exec feels will do a spectacular job.

Until two weeks after the election, Mr. Ammerman will remain as Interim Gangrel Coordinator.

You can find his application HERE

jordan SneakersNike

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Ballot Options
Brendan Ammerman
Reject All Candidates