Territorial Custodianship Claim for Brujah Coordinator [autopass]

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Proposal Type: Other Public
Opened: 21-Dec-2010 1:00AM EST
Closing: 14-Dec-2010 1:00AM EST

[PROPOSAL] Territorial Custodianship Claim for Brujah Coordinator

Coordinator Bylaws 3.C.iii.5 states:

"Passing new Coordinator Territory before council is considered something that affects multiple chronicles. All Coordinator Territory must be designated either "Approval" Territory or "Notify" Territory in the Proposal. After passing Coordinator Territory of any kind that territory should be added to the Territory List which shall be posted to the OWBN website."

I propose the attached Territories be claimed by the Brujah Coordinator's office. I have included Conditional Approval Parameters per Council Committee feedback, accounting for the difference in travel frequency between the various supernatural species. Disposition and supporting justification for each Territory is described in the attached table and also available via the GoogleDoc link below:

* Brujah Territories - Spreadsheet

A summary of the Territories claimed by the Brujah Coordinator's office is below, however more detail is available via the attached spreadsheet and the GoogleDoc.

I checked with Admission Office about the Brazilian Territories. No one claimed these territories.

Location: Caxias do Sul, Brazil

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: 1.640 km²

Notes: NPC Prince

Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator approval

Location: Edmonton, Alberta (Canada).

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: 9.418,62 km²

Notes: NPC Prince Aethelred

Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator approval

Location: Helsinki, Filand.

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: 2,970.17 km2

Notes: NPC Prince

Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator approval

Location: Carthage, Tunisia.

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: Default radius

Notes: Historical purposes.

Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator approval

Location: Yekaterinburg, Russia

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: Default radius


Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator approval

Location: Antioch, Turkey

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: Default radius


Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator approval

Location: Prague, Czech Republic

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: 496 km2

Notes: Shared control with Camarilla Coordinator

Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator approval

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: 114,99 km²

Notes: Brujah NPC Prince Shared control with Camarilla Coordinator.

Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions:Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator notify

Location: Newcastle (England)

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: 113 km2

Notes: Brujah NPC Prince Shared control with Camarilla Coordinator.

Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator notify

Location: Seattle, Washington

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: 369,2 km²

Notes: Shared control with Camarilla Coordinator.

Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator notify

Location: Corsica (island)

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: 8,680 km2

Notes: Shared - Tzimisce Coordinator

Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator approval

Location: Ouro Preto, MG

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: 1.245,114 km².

Notes: NPC Prince

Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator approval

Location: Crete (island)

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility*: 8,336 km²

Notes: Shared - Tzimisce Coordinator

Joint Approval: None

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed / Changeling/ Mage Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds and Actions: Coordinator approval

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator approval

*Default Geographical Radius = 50 mile radius from location center, unless otherwise noted.


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