Switch of Salubri Anti-Tribu's coord

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 12-Mar-2011 1:00AM EST
Closing: 12-Mar-2011 1:00AM EST

After consultation and agreement by Adam, current Sabbat Coordinator, I am proposing that the Appropriate Coordinator for Salubri Anti-tribu listed under 5Axi: Sabbat Coordinator be switched to 5Aviii: Tremere Coordinator as well as ownership of all canon NPCs with shared ownership between the Sabbat Coord's Office for those that are major within the Sect as a whole as well.

It is our opinion that this remnant is no longer necessary as the Sabbat genre is less and less divided from the main genres. We are looking forward to co-authoring a genre guide for the Salubri Anti's.

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