Baali Genre Document 2011

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Proposal Type: Genre Packet
Opened: 05-Apr-2011 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 05-Apr-2011 1:00AM EDT

Pursuant to Coordinator Bylaw 3.C.iii, I propose the attached Baali Genre Packet for use in One World by Night.

Grandfathering will be handled on a case by case basis. All appropriate documentation and notifications as outlined in this packet should be sent to within thirty (30) days of this document passing.

Due to the Year of Fire plot and the number of baali requests I've received in relation to it, a Baali packet has become necessary. Included here is the link to the packet.

By-Laws changes and notes:

* Daimoinon is now Demon Coordinator Notify with specific conditions
* Apostate Merit Changes Perfect Infiltrator to Demon Coordinator Approval under SPECIFIC circumstances (Please read the merit in this packet to understand those circumstances). Appropriate Clan coords will be notified upon purchase of Apostate Merit under these circumstances.
* Upon Apostasy, a character will retain Clan Specific Combos that they have already purchased, requiring notification to appropriate coords. Rules regarding teaching are listed in the same area of the packet.
* Baali Lore is Coord aproval with specific conditions

There may be more, but those are the ones I can think of. (New Job, little time).

The reason for wanting to change Perfect Infiltrator, as it relates to Apostates is that my last packet opened a loophole that I do not want to see exploited. I also want the merit to perform it's secondary function as outlined in clanbook Baali, which is to allow the apostates to continue to appear as members of their parent clans.

This document can be found at:

-Rob Beckett
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