Elimination of Limitation of Attendance XP

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 03-May-2011 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 03-May-2011 1:00AM EDT

As the CM of Dayton: Dying EMbers, I propose that character regulation bylaw 3.A. which currently reads as follows:

3. Experience Points

A. No OWBN character may earn more than eight experience points in a single month.

i. Of these eight, no more than five may be for game attendance.

Be amended to read as follows:

3. Experience Points

A. No OWBN character may earn more than eight experience points in a single month.


Reasoning: If anything, our organization should be encouraging as much game attendance as possible. As been noted by many on council, we have a significant amount of players that play very infrequently at physical games, as XP is just as easy to earn through downtime/blue book/ online roleplay as it is at actually games -- indeed, it is even easier as such XP has no limit aside from the 'base 8'. While each game would be welcome to keep this restriction if they felt it necessary as a house rule, I do not believe OWBN should continue to institutionalize it. If a player wants to attend the necessary games in a month to try and max out their experience points, then I say we enable that player.

~Joseph Schuster

CM - Dayton
Seconded by Jacob Hoffman, Detroit Motor City MonstersRunning sneakersSneakers

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