Voting text Change - Section 2.A.2

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 23-Apr-2004 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 04-May-2004 1:00AM EDT

This includes the amendment by Dunx:
Proposed that Section 2.A.2 change from

2. The proposal must be seconded by a Council member, the HC or an AHC in order for it to proceed to discussion. Post a motion to second a proposal by including "[SECOND] [PROPOSAL] Proposal name" in the Subject line of the message, where "proposal name" is the title of the draft proposal. In the body of the message, include the statement, "I second this proposal."


Suggested Amendment:

2. The proposal must be seconded by a Council member, the HC or an AHC before it can proceed to a vote.To second a proposal, post with "[SECOND] [PROPOSAL] Proposal name" in the Subject line of the message, where "Proposal name" is the title of the draft proposal. In the body of the message, include the statement, "I second this proposal." A proposal that fails to gain a second within one week of the end of the discussion period is considered to have failed and is removed from the voting system.

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