Bylaw Revision: a change to timing of allowing Seconds

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Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 29-May-2007 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 29-May-2007 1:00AM EDT

As the Bylaws currently read, "A [PROPOSAL] may not be seconded until it has been in discussion for at least one (1) week." See Administrative Bylaw 3.A.iii. However, this seems to be overly restrictive and generally an unnecessary delay. While it appears that the restriction was put in place to prevent a proposal from passing too quickly, it appears that this is generally unnecessary. (And it just generally frustrates me ... and I suspect makes work of the AHC harder as they try to keep track of extra dates and keep a record of "early" seconds, etc.)
As such, I propose the following changes:

Original Sections:
A) Proposals
i) Submission
(1) Only voting members may submit proposals to the Council unless otherwise noted in subsequent bylaws.
(2) Include in the subject line of the email [PROPOSAL] and a short description of the proposal.
(3) The email must include the name of the person making the proposal, the chronicle name, chronicle location and an e-mail address where an Assistant Head Coordinator may contact that person for additional information. The message body must contain the detailed proposal and how it should be integrated into existing bylaws, if passed.
ii) Discussion
(1) Discussion on said [PROPOSAL] shall begin immediately and the proposal shall be posted on the voting page for record keeping.
(2) To suggest a formal change to the proposal, in the subject of the message include [AMENDMENT] and in the body of the message include the description of what is suggested.
(3) The original author of the [PROPOSAL] may accept or reject amendments at their own discretion, if a change is accepted it should be sent to an Assistant Head Coordinator to update the [PROPOSAL] on the website.
iii) Second to the Proposal
(1) A [PROPOSAL] may not be seconded until it has been in discussion for at least one (1) week.
(2) A Council member, the HC, or an AHC must second the proposal before it can proceed to a vote.
(a) To second a proposal, post with "[SECOND] [PROPOSAL] Proposal name" in the subject line of the message, where 'Proposal name' is the title of the draft proposal. In the body of the message, include the statement, 'I second this proposal.'
(b) A proposal that fails to gain a second within one week of the end of the discussion period is considered to have failed and is removed from the voting system.

Proposed New Section (Changes in Bold):

A) Proposals
i) Submission
(1) Only voting members may submit proposals to the Council unless otherwise noted in subsequent bylaws.
(2) Include in the subject line of the email [PROPOSAL] and a short description of the proposal.
(3) The email must include the name of the person making the proposal, the chronicle name, chronicle location and an e-mail address where an Assistant Head Coordinator may contact that person for additional information. The message body must contain the detailed proposal and how it should be integrated into existing bylaws, if passed.
ii) Discussion
(1) Discussion on said [PROPOSAL] shall begin immediately *and last for at least a week* and the proposal shall be posted on the voting page for record keeping. **This week is considered the discussion period.**
(2) To suggest a formal change to the proposal, in the subject of the message include [AMENDMENT] and in the body of the message include the description of what is suggested.
(3) The original author of the [PROPOSAL] may accept or reject amendments at their own discretion, if a change is accepted it should be sent to an Assistant Head Coordinator to update the [PROPOSAL] on the website.
iii) Second to the Proposal
(1) **[DELETED]**
(2) A Council member, the HC, or an AHC must second the proposal before it can proceed to a vote.
(a) To second a proposal, post with "[SECOND] [PROPOSAL] Proposal name" in the subject line of the message, where 'Proposal name' is the title of the draft proposal. In the body of the message, include the statement, 'I second this proposal.'
(b) A proposal that fails to gain a second within **two weeks after it was proposed** is considered to have failed and is removed from the voting system.

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