Reduction of Yearly Dues for OWbN

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Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 22-Dec-2006 1:00AM EST
Closing: 23-Dec-2006 1:00AM EST

As promised:
I hereby propose that section 5 (d) and (e) of the OWBN bylaws be amended from this:

d) Amount of Dues

i) Dues are twenty-five ($25) US Dollars per year.

ii) OWBN uses the calendar year as our fiscal year, and it is divided into 4 quarters: 1st quarter is Jan 1 - Mar 31; 2nd quarter is April 1 - June 30; 3rd quarter is July 1 - September 31; 4th quarter is October 1 - Dec 31.

e) Schedule of Payment

i) Dues may be paid in one of the following schedules:

(1) Annually; due by midnight January 1 $25.00 total.

(2) Bi-Annually; due by midnight January 1 and July 1, $12.50 each.

(3) Quarterly; due by midnight January 1; April 1; July 1; October 1. $6.25 each.

ii) Alternative payment arrangements made at the Financial Coordinatortrace affiliate linkAir Jordan

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