Setite Coordinator 2009

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Coordinator Elections (Full Term)
Opened: 01-Dec-2008 1:00AM EST
Closing: 16-Dec-2008 1:00AM EST

Applicant Name: Trey NaivarApplicant Email:
Applicant Home Chronicle: Whispers of Atlanta


I joined OWbN in 2002 as a part of Whispers of Atlanta. I play
mostly in the Georgia/Florida area, but I try to attend at least one
OWBN event a year if not more in order to experience more of what the
org and its members have to offer.

Aside from the local positions I've held in my home chronicle
(narrator, AST, HST, CM), I have been a Subcoord in the Setite office
for the past 2 years, as well as the Ravnos office. I've recently also
joined the Ventrue team as a subcoord for the past year and have taken
the duties of running the Society of the Hague, as well as offering
style advice to the male Ventrue players (I've got about 6 years
experience in Menswear). I am also currently the Council Member for Whispers of Atlanta.

As a Ravnos subcoord I have re-vamped the MET rules for mortal
gypsies with Blood Purity, as well as consulted on character backgrounds
and character approvals.

My duties as a Setite subcoord have been multi-faceted; In my two
years I have had substantial input into the continuing revisions done to
the Setite Sorcery packet, to the genre information regarding the
Serpents of the Light and their sorcery (Wanga and Necromancy), and have
been the main subcoord in charge of facilitating the Setite Warrior

My role-playing experience outside the org draws from all kinds and
corners of the subject; from some of the core of White Wolf's portfolio
(Vampire Genres, Mage, Werewolf, Wraith, Exalted, and even some of the
WoD 2.0 stuff) to games like Shadowrun, D&D, Rifts, Marvel, and several

Personal Statement:

OWbN is about the players. The Players are telling us their story.
The Storytellers are helping bring the player's story to life by making
the local setting around the players come alive, and the Coordinators
are helping give that story a chance for a greater connection by adding
to the world at large, and aiding Storytellers to integrate these larger
stories into their chronicles for their players' enjoyment. The World of
Darkness, and Vampire in particular, is a horror story set in a
goth-punk world; the world is rough and overcrowded, people are in a
rush and crammed into the streets between tall and oppressive buildings.
It's a game of loss, and we try to make the ride down as remarkable as
possible. Players make it happen, Storytellers organize it, and
Coordinators help Storytellers fit it into the global picture.

If elected, I intend to provide as much continuity for the players as
possible, while beginning some new projects. These projects include,
but are in no way limited to:

* Sorcery Packet Revisions (harsher rarity scales, installing

benchmarks for earning Sorcery to engender more well-rounded characters, removing 'home-brew' rituals that are not Milk of Set variants. Nothing will be added to this part in way of thaumaturgy rituals/paths.)

* Plotline to continue the recent changes and restructuring in
the Setite Clan, to aid in building off of what has come before and move

into a new day, by reconstituting the Hierophant Council and their foils, the Decadents, with a new genre packet to support this.

* Plotlines to bring the role of the Setite Castes into greater
focus, with a new genre packet to support this.

* Work with the Sabbat and Camarilla Coordinators on plotlines
designed to highlight the position the Setites hold with both Sects
(Sabbat = enemies, Cam = customers, patsies)
* Updating of the Setite Websites
* Promotion of the Setite yahoogroups available to players.
* Giving a non-binding guideline for Setite Lore, for the members
of the Setite Religion, the bloodlines, and non-setites.

Chronicles/Coordinators currently supporting my application:

Whispers of Atlanta

Stolen Hours


Bradenton, Chaos & Entropy

Ocala: Hell Is Taken

Secundus Surrectum

Gainesville: the New Confederacy

Dayton: Dying Embers Support

Kenosha: Memento Mori

A Family Affair

Shadows of the Jewel

Philadelphia: NUSQUAM

Setite Coordinator, Sarah Himebaugh


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