Revision of Coordinator Bylaws Section 3: Blood Magic

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 09-Jun-2003 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 30-Jun-2003 1:00AM EDT

**********The position of "Blood Magic Coordinator" shall be removed from Section 3, subsection D, line 9.

The following text shall be added to The Coordinator Bylaws as a new Section 3.

Blood Magic within OWbN

A. Blood Magic Coordination

The administration of each clan's blood magic shall be the
responsibility of the individual genre coordinators; however, a genre coordinator may appoint a sub-coordinator for this purpose.

These coordinators shall come to a consensus on who should supervise a path or ritual not clearly defined as a single clan's responsibility. A vote of the OWbN Council may be called if a consensus cannot be reached.

The blood magic coordinators shall establish guidelines for the oversight of their respective disciplines. Storytellers of One World by Night are encouraged to hold to these guidelines in order to ensure consistency throughout the organization.

B. MET Conversions

Paths or rituals that do not exist as a MET conversion within a printed White Wolf sourcebook are required to be submitted for review to the appropriate genre coordinator within 3 months of storyteller approval. All submissions must include a full description and suggested game
mechanics; however, the genre coordinator may make any edits they feel are necessary.

C. Blood Magic Packet

A catalog of all converted paths and rituals within One World by Night shall be made available to the organization. This catalog shall include full text descriptions of all paths and rituals contained therein.

It shall be updated on or around March 1st and September 1st every year by each genre coordinator; however, updates may occur more often. If there are no additions to be included in the resource during a scheduled update, the genre coordinator must notify the OWbN Storyteller list.

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