Revision of Bylaws, Coordinator Section 2

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 13-Nov-2003 1:00AM EST
Closing: 20-Nov-2003 1:00AM EST

Proposed that the following part of Section 2 of the Coordinator Bylaws, which now reads:
"To this end, Genre Coordinators have the following powers:

1. They may create and portray (or delegate the portrayal of) a reasonable number of elder level NPCs, as appropriate to their position. Delegated NPCs, however briefly portrayed, must be reported to Council. Council may remove any of these NPCs with a majority vote, at which time the Coordinator will be permitted to script a suitable IC disappearance. If these delegated NPCs are requested by
STs for use in a particular chronicle, they are primarily subject to the authority of those STs, but may be removed at any time by the Coordinator. Coordinator NPCs become subject to local ST authority when they appear in person in a chronicle, but the Coordinator or his or her delegate shall remain free to refuse to take any action if it
introduces a vital inconsistency of character or a breach in global genre in the Coordinator or delegate's opinion. If STs feel they require an action, which the Coordinator has refused, they may appeal the matter to Council, whose decision shall be final. If the Coordinator feels the St(s) of a chronicle have tampered with, or hampered, the actions of a Coordinator office NPC in such a way that prevents the Coordinator from enforcing their area of Genre, they may
address Council for official Disciplinary action to be taken against said ST(s) or the Chronicle as a whole. Coordinator NPCs are subject to article one constraints except where otherwise noted in the bylaws. If they fall under an R&U category, they must be passed as normally for that category through Council. "

Be amended to read:

"To this end, Genre Coordinators have the following powers:

1. They may create and portray (or delegate the portrayal of) a reasonable number of elder level NPCs, as appropriate to their position. Delegated NPCs, however briefly portrayed, must be reported to Council. Council may remove any of these NPCs with a majority vote, at which time the Coordinator will be permitted to script a suitable IC disappearance. If these delegated NPCs are requested by
STs for use in a particular chronicle, they are primarily subject to the authority of those STs, but may be removed at any time by the Coordinator. These NPCs cannot be used in any Chronicle without the permission of the Coordinator or his or her delegate, and the local STs. Coordinator NPCs become subject to local ST authority when they appear in person in a chronicle, but the Coordinator or his or her delegate shall remain free to refuse to take any action if it introduces a vital inconsistency of character or a breach in global genre in the Coordinator or delegate's opinion. If STs feel they require an action, which the Coordinator has refused, they may appeal the matter to Council, whose decision shall be final. If the Coordinator feels the St(s) of a chronicle have tampered with, or
hampered, the actions of a Coordinator office NPC in such a way that prevents the Coordinator from enforcing their area of Genre, they may address Council for official Disciplinary action to be taken against said ST(s) or the Chronicle as a whole. Coordinator NPCs are subject to article one constraints except where otherwise noted in the
bylaws. If they fall under an R&U category, they must be passed as normally for that category through Council."

Discussion (not part of the official proposal): The sentence:
"These NPCs cannot be used in any Chronicle without
the permission of the Coordinator, his/her delegate, and the local STs." is the only addition. This line makes explicit what should already be the case (but has been violated), and gives Coordinators official backing to request disciplinary measures if their NPCs are used without permission.



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