Revision of Bylaws, Section 2: Proposal and Voting Procedure; e

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 14-Jan-2003 1:00AM EST
Closing: 23-Jan-2003 1:00AM EST

************PROPOSAL: It is proposed that Section 2e be revised from:

E. Vote Formatting
1. A call for voting is posted to the Council listserver with the changes and options to the proposal included.
2. Since there may be more than one option in a proposal, there is not only Yes/No/Abstain as a voting choice, but also possibly A/B/C, according to the number of options presented.
3. Each option will be listed with a capital letter at the beginning of that option description.
a. For an option vote, it is possible for more than one option to be acceptable and this must be stated in the description of the call for vote. In that case, vote for those options.
4. A vote is posted with "[VOTE]" at the beginning of the Subject line of the message with the following format in the body of the message:
Council Member Name:
Chronicle Name:
Chronicle Location:
Vote: (Yes/No/Abstain or A/B/C)


E. Vote Formatting

1. A call for voting is posted to the Council with the changes and options to the proposal included.
2. All options presented in the proposal shall be made available to the Council at time of voting.
3. All votes must include "Abstain" and an option to reject the proposal.
4. If it is possible for more than one option to be acceptable this must be stated in the proposal.
5. Council members are required to use the online Vote Management System found at when casting votes.
6. "While it is the duty of every member who has an opinion on the question to express it by his vote, yet he cannot be compelled to do so. He may prefer to abstain from voting, though he knows the effect is the same as if he voted on the prevailing side." Robertlatest Nike releaseNike

File / Document: No file attachments for this vote.
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