Genre Proposal: R&U Rarity Change, Rare Mages

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 22-Feb-2008 1:00AM EST
Closing: 27-Feb-2008 1:00AM EST

[Proposal] R&U Rarity Change, Rare Mages
From OWbN Coordinator Bylaws dated 11/15/06:
2) Appointed Coordinator Positions
B) Appointed Genre Coordinators shall be the recognized authority on their respective genres and as such receive all rights and responsibilities under Section 3, Subsection C.
3) Coordinator Duties
C) Genre Coordinators
iii) Genre Coordinators must pass before Council any plot, enforced policy, or binding edict they wish to use which they can reasonably expect to affect multiple chronicles and these proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion.
(1) If no opposition is voiced during the week of discussion, the proposal is considered passed and enforceable. Once passed these are considered binding to all chronicles and a chronicles refusal to adhere is grounds for OWBN disciplinary measures.
(2) Those that seem to affect only one chronicle only need local ST approval. In this case, conflicts with the chronicle are subject to point three above.
(3) Coordinators may bring before Council any dispute between themselves and another Coordinator or ST in which they feel OWBN wide consistency or global genre is at stake, and Council shall make a timely investigation and judgment.
(4) Passing new R&U Named characters before council is to be treated as something which affects multiple chronicles.
The purpose of this proposal is to define types of Mages that should be Rare in OWbN. All of these types, while they do exist in WW genre, are also noted to be not the norm for Mages. They are either rare due to numbers and/or geographical limitations. To that end, I propose the following change.
In OWbN Character Regulation Bylaws dated 9/27/07:
9) Rare & Unusual
B) Guidelines for determining R&U Category:
iii) Rare: Lasombra Antitribu, Gargoyles, Unusual Caitiff, Unusual Pander, Ravnos, Samedi, Daughters of Cacophony, OWBN-specific Bloodlines, Rare Revenants, Perfect Tremere Infiltrators, True Anarch Tremere, Perfect Ventrue Infiltrators, Perfect Giovanni Infiltrators, Assamite bloodlines, Assamite Loyalists, Sabbat Assamite Viziers and Sorcerers, Dispossessed to Loyalist, non assamites on path of blood, Mariner Gangrel, Children of Damballah, Daitya, Skin Dancers, Hengeyokai, supernatural kinfolk, dead PC Wraiths, Risen, Marauders, Nephandi, Dharma 5- Kuei-Jin, Akuma, Unusual True Faith, Selkies, unusual changing breeds, standard mummies, Lost tribal and Breeds Gifts, Supernatural Gypsies, Former Erebus Residents.

To (new marked with **):
9) Rare & Unusual
B) Guidelines for determining R&U Category:
iii) Rare: Lasombra Antitribu, Gargoyles, Unusual Caitiff, Unusual Pander, Ravnos, Samedi, Daughters of Cacophony, OWBN-specific Bloodlines, Rare Revenants, Perfect Tremere Infiltrators, True Anarch Tremere, Perfect Ventrue Infiltrators, Perfect Giovanni Infiltrators, Assamite bloodlines, Assamite Loyalists, Sabbat Assamite Viziers and Sorcerers, Dispossessed to Loyalist, non assamites on path of blood, Mariner Gangrel, Children of Damballah, Daitya, Skin Dancers, Hengeyokai, supernatural kinfolk, dead PC Wraiths, Risen, Marauders, Nephandi, Dharma 5- Kuei-Jin, Akuma, Unusual True Faith, Selkies, unusual changing breeds, standard mummies, Lost tribal and Breeds Gifts, Supernatural Gypsies, Former Erebus Residents, **Ahl-I-Batin, Sisters of Hippolyta, Taftani, Templars (the Mages), Wu Keng, Wu Nung, Orphans**.

James - Mage Coord
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