Change in Assamite Loyalist R&UClassifications

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 11-Feb-2005 1:00AM EST
Closing: 18-Feb-2005 1:00AM EST

This proposal requires no second, and once it is put into discussion, ifthere are no objections posted here within one week, it goes into effect
without a vote. If objections are posted, it is voted on as normally. If
posting an objection, please retain the original subject heading, with the
addition of the word "OBJECTION", to assist in identifying posts that change
this proposal's status. Please consider each line separately.

Due to varying instances across the Bylaws, and the R&U pages, where
information is conflicting as to the Rarity of Assamite Loyalists, I am
proposing the following :

That item 9.b.iii. of the Character Regulation Bylaws be changed so that
"Loyalist Assamite," be added after "Assamite bloodlines," and before
"Dispossessed to Loyalist,", and removed from the Sect Defector Grouping.
They are not Sect Defectors.

This will make the Assamite Loyalists Rare, for purposes of R&U.

Existing Text provided for Reference

9. Rare & Unusual
b. Guidelines for determining R&U Category:
iii. Rare: Lasombra Antitribu, Gargoyles, Unusual Caitiff, Ravnos, Samedi,
Daughters of Cacophony, OWBN-specific Bloodlines, Assamite bloodlines,
Dispossessed to Loyalist, non assamites on path of blood, non assamite
converts to the clan, Mariner Gangrel, Skin Dancers, Hengeyokai,
supernatural kinfolk, dead PC Wraiths, Risen, Marauders, Nephandi, Dharma 5-
Kuei-Jin, Akuma, Unusual True Faith, Selkies, unusual changing breeds,
standard mummies.

Assamite Loyalists are a large part of the Clan, in truth. However, they
are rarely found outside of Alamut, and by their nature are Antagonistic
Player Characters. This proposal would place them back in Rare status,
where they were voted into twice before.

Assamite Coordinator

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