[Administrative Proposal] Addition to Coordinator Bylaws 3.A.i.4 - Interim Coordinators

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 09-Mar-2009 2:00AM EDT
Closing: 02-Mar-2009 1:00AM EST

This does not require a Second, but if you do not agree you may put Objection in the subject line to force this Proposal to go to a vote.====================================================================

Current Bylaw:

3. Coordinator Duties
A. Administrative Coordinators
i. Head Coordinator
1. The Head Coordinator shall be responsible, to the best of their
ability, for duties assigned to the position as outlined within the
bylaws of the network.
2. The Head Coordinator may be sought as a binding arbiter in a
disputed between parties with the consent of all involved, as
opposed to taking the matter directly to Council. The HC has the
right to refuse.
a. This responsibility may not be delegated without prior
permission from all parties involved.
3. The Head Coordinator may, at their discretion, delegate
responsibilities to the Assistant Head Coordinators or duly appointed

I hereby Propose the following be added:

4. The Head Coordinator may appoint an Interim Coordinator to temporarily fill the position of an Elected or Appointed Coordinator until they can return to their duties. The appointee will be treated as an Elected Coordinator.
a. This Interim Coordinator may fill the position as appointed by the Head Coordinator for up to thirty days. Any extension beyond those thirty days must be approved by Council. If the extension is unapproved by Council, Special Elections will then begin, per Administrative Bylaw 4.C.
b. The appointment of an Interim Coordinator will be announced to Council and ST lists, and that announcement may be distributed to the players from there.
c. The appointed Interim Coordinator must fill out a Coordinator Report, per Administrative Bylaw 8.D.iv upon leaving office.


Sometimes unexpected real life just happens: family sicknesses and deaths, work, stress, etc. This is a volunteer organization, and if a Coordinator needs to step out for a brief time to take care of life, they should reasonably be able to do so and leave their worry about their obligations to the Organization to a responsible substitute.

It is better to find someone to temporarily step in, rather than have our players and storytellers left without someone they depend on for a lenghty short-term leave of absence. This will now all for a legitimate manner in which this can occur.

Thank you.

Jenn Louise
OWbN Head Coordinator

"Of course I have (gone mad with power), have you ever tried going mad without power? Its boring, no one listens to you."

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