Finance Account Fees

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 21-Apr-2003 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 02-May-2003 1:00AM EDT

I propose that OWBN dues cover the fees associated with OWBN accepting credit card payments for its paypal accounts. The fees are 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. This works out to be $1.75 for a $50.00 transaction as an example. And that we also pay the fees currently associated with maintaining a bank account to accept cheques and moneyorders. The Fee is currently $.50 per month, plus any interest we earn.
These fees are basic to doing business, and to not pay them would severely limit the manners in which we can pay dues.

latest Running SneakersCONVERSE Plataforma Blancas , Comprar Converse CTAS LUGGED HI 565902C Blancas , Online

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