Election Bylaw Revision 4.B

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Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 13-Oct-2008 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 13-Oct-2008 1:00AM EDT

Proposing a change to coordinator election bylaw, 4) B) viii).

viii) The nominee carrying the majority vote of Council shall become
(1) In case of a tie, the Head Coordinator may either break the tie or
hold a run-off election
between all tied parties.
(2) For a run-off election, only the candidates who were tied will be
on the ballot. The option
to reject all candidates will be removed. The option to abstain will remain.
(3) If the election is still tied after the run-off vote, the HC will
break the tie.


viii) The nominee carrying the most votes on Council shall become
(1) In case of a tie, the Head Coordinator may either break the tie or
hold a run-off election
between all tied parties.
(2) For a run-off election, only the candidates who were tied will be
on the ballot. The option
to reject all candidates will be removed. The option to abstain will remain.
(3) If the election is still tied after the run-off vote, the HC will
break the tie.

The only change is to the first line.

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