Revision to Administrative Bylaw 2.A.1: Council definition and Separation of Powers

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 16-Feb-2009 1:00AM EST
Closing: 15-Feb-2009 1:00AM EST

Wasting the Dawn proposes a change to the Administrative Bylaw Section 2.a.i
The current bylaw reads:

2. Council
A. The Council of One World by Night is considered the governing body of the network
and shall consist of:
i. One (1) voting representative from each full member chronicle. A voting
representative may serve as a voting representative for only one full
member chronicle at a time.

The proposed change will read:

2. Council
A. The Council of One World by Night is considered the governing body of the network
and shall consist of:
i. One (1) voting representative from each full member chronicle. A voting
representative may serve as a voting representative for only one full
member chronicle at a time and may not hold an appointed or elected
coordinator position. They may still serve as genre sub-

Reason for this proposal:

Currently if you are an incumbent elected coordinator you have the ability to use your voting powers as a CM to vote for yourself. Also, if you are a CM who runs for office, you have the ability to vote for yourself. In addition, Wasting the Dawn feels the org is better served when it's Council Members are entirely focused on representing their chronicle/the org's interests and it's Coordinators are entirely focused on maintaining and strengthening their genre.

WtD feels this best serves the interests of our chronicle as well as the organization as a whole and graciously asks for Council's support for this proposal.

This proposal requires a second.

-Matthew Wehner
CM Berkeley, Wasting the Dawn
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