Mandatory Charters-new Article

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Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 30-Jan-2001 1:00AM EST
Closing: 08-Feb-2001 1:00AM EST

Article 11All games wishing to be members of OWBN must have a charter including, but
not limited to, rights of players, acension to and from storyteller
positions, and disciplinary procedures. All charters must be availiable at
each game
session and on the member chronicle's web site. The Head Coordinator has
the right to call for a review of any chronicle charter that is
innordinately unfair to
players and may make suggestions on how to improve it.

In the sense of fairness, if this addition to the Articles of OWBN is
adopted, all chronicles should be given a period not to exceed 1 month to
write and publish a charter.
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