Ceilican Rarity Change

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 11-Apr-2005 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 04-Apr-2005 1:00AM EDT

This Genre proposal requires no second, and once it is put into discussion, if there are no objections posted here within one week, it goes into effect without a vote. If objections are posted, it is voted on as normally. If posting an objection, please retain the original subject heading, with the addition of the word "OBJECTION", to assist in identifying posts that change this proposal's status..

In the past the ceilican tribe was listed separately from the rest of Bastet in the R&U census. At some point this was dropped from by laws. Given the extreme rarity of this tribe, who are believed to be extinct even by most other bastet, and their solitary and hidden natures I feel they should be returned to their previous classification. The ceilican were all but wiped out during the witch trials, when hunters discovered the methods of killing them. The few survivors scattered and hid, allowing everyone to believe them destroyed. To this day they wander, changing faces and identities constantly to save themselves.

In the third edition Player's guide to Changing Breeds White Wolf has gone so far as to remove all references to the tribe, taking them out of continuity entirely. However, given the fact that Laws of the Wild: Changing Breeds: 1 still contains the rules and background for them, and given the number that have been used in OWBN continuity in the past I think they should remain as part of universe, albeit a rare part.

this proposal will change the rarity rating of them to very rare from rare.


the following should be added to section 9.a.ii. 3 of the Character Registration Bylaws: Rare and Unusual: groupings: near extinct

url cloneNike SF-AF1

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