Addition to Administrative Bylaws Section 3.a.iv

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 03-Mar-2005 1:00AM EST
Closing: 03-Mar-2005 1:00AM EST

I propose the following addition to the Administrative Bylaws, Section 3. Proposals and Voting Procedures:
a.iv. "Should a proposal to amend or add to the OWbN bylaws be put forward to Council, no proposal or character types related to the amendment/addition shall be open for discussion until the closure of the amendment/addition vote. Notifications and votes that were in progress before the amendment/addition proposal(s) will be considered exempt from this rule."

Nate Franklin
ST/CM, CiET (Metro St. Louis)
CM, The Chaos Within (Decatur, IL)
Ravnos Coordinator

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