Change to automatic passing of genre and chronicle votes

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 19-May-2004 1:00AM EDT
Closing: 25-May-2004 1:00AM EDT

Often times when there are new STs and CMs, several of these individuals have asked about previous votes for which there is no record.

My first instinct was to remove all 'automatically passed' votes, as votes
of these nature can easily wait a week, which will force them to be logged
on the voting page.

But, I did think of an alternate solution, adding a bylaw that would force
'automatically passed' votes to be posted to the Past Votes page. AHC
Jennifer Lewkowicz tested opening and closing a vote early to force it to
the Past Votes Section despite there not being an actual vote, and it did
work (despite the fact that she opened and closed a real vote instead of the
test vote *giggle*).

Therefore, I have a proposal with three options: edit out the auto-passing
of votes, adding mandatory logging of auto-pass votes, or make no changes.


A: That the following bylaws be changed to the following:

Administrative Bylaw Section 7A7: The Trial Period will last for 6 months.
After this time:
a. The chronicle's admission shall be taken to Vote at the end of the Trial
b. The chronicle's application must be updated with the chronicle's current
information as necessary and the voting options shall be as follows: Full
Membership, Extended Probation for an additional 6 months, Denial of
c. After one year of probation a Chronicle must either receive Full
Admission or be denied membership. If denied Full Membership, chronicles may
re-apply for membership to OWBN no less than 12 months after the close of
their most recent Admissions vote.
d. Ties on Full Membership votes shall be broken by the Admissions


Coordinator Bylaw Section 2, Coordinator Powers
5. They may bring proposals concerning their area of coordination to
Council, and these proposals need not be seconded in order to proceed to
vote. If the Coordinator has identified it as urgent in nature, the HC may
choose to shorten the discussion time (The HC may also choose to extend
discussion time, if it is felt unusual circumstances have prevented
discussion). Coordinators may bring before Council any dispute between
themselves and another Coordinator or ST in which they feel OWBN wide
consistency or global genre is at stake, and Council shall make a timely
investigation and judgment.

- OR -

B. That the following bylaw be added:

Add Administrative Bylaw Section 2: Proposal & Voting Procedure
H. All proposals that meet the requirements to automatically pass shall be
recorded on the online Vote Management System by the AHCs. The AHC should
cast a single vote for the proposal and put in the comments section
"Automatically Passed due to Lack of Objection."

- OR -

C. No changes.

Respectfully submitted,

William E. Genich
CM, Kenosha: Memento Mori

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