Admissions Coordinator 2009

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Coordinator Elections (Full Term)
Opened: 01-Dec-2008 1:00AM EST
Closing: 16-Dec-2008 1:00AM EST

Applicant Name: Jessica KarelsApplicant Email:
Applicant Home Chronicle: Obsidian Towers

Chronicle Support:
Field of Rage (Iowa City Garou)
Obsidian Towers
Black Hawk County By Night

Coord Support:
Changing Breeds

Administrative Positions Held:

ST for Thicker than Blood - (November 2002 - summer 2003)
Upper-Midwest Admissions Subcoord (Nov 2003 - Nov 2004)
ST-Widow (January, 2004 - Summer, 2006)
Upper-Midwest Historian Subcoord (Nov 2003 - Nov 2004)
Admissions Coord (Nov 2004 - present)
AST for Obsidian Towers (July 2007 - April, 2008)
HST for Obsidian Towers (April 2008 - November 2008)

Personal Statement:

For those of you that aren't familiar with what I do - I act as the
liason between the genre coords, storytellers, and applying games to
make sure that everything is on the up-and-up prior to the initial
vote. I enjoy being a part of this organization, and seek to
contribute towards its betterment.

Our organization experienced a burst of rapid growth in 2007 during
the annexation of our then sister-group, Brazil By Night. This past
year, the trend for growth has continued. We had over 15 games
approved for probationary or full membership into the org this year,
with close to half of those chronicles based in Brazil. We continue to
receive regular inquiries from chronicles that want to become a part
of our organization.

The theme for my 2008-2009 term will be delegation. One of my personal
flaws that I will admit to is that I take on too much stuff on my own.
This year, I intend to fully utilize my subcoord team to make sure
that applications and inquiries are handled promptly, and to make the
application and review process more turnkey.

Here is the project that my team and I will review during my 5th term
as Admissions Coord:

The development of applications/guidelines to handle the 3 sub-sets of
"new games" that apply to OWBN:
- Chronicles that were initiated with the specific intent of joining OWBN
- Chronicles that make the intention to join OWBN after their
game/backstory has already been established
- "Satellite games" - chronicles that wish to tell the stories of
multiple cities/genres, but eventually get to the point where teh
various sub-sets want to split off from eachother to become separate

Jessica Karels
Admissions Coord
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And Wearer of Many Admin-type Hats
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