[Administrative Proposal] Addition to Coordinator Bylaws: Sub-Coordinators for Admissions, Archivist, and Web Coordinator

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 09-Mar-2009 2:00AM EDT
Closing: 02-Mar-2009 1:00AM EST

This does not require a Second, but if you do not agree you may put Objection in the subject line to force this Proposal to go to a vote.====================================================================

The only Coordinators, per the Bylaws, that can administratively delegate their authorities to their subcoordinators, are the Genre Coordinators, per Coordinator Bylaw 3.C.ii.6, and the Sect Coordinators, per 3.B.ii.

I'm proposing to formally add the following to the Admissions, Archivist, and Web Coordinator. (I am deliberately excluding HC, AHCs, and Finance from this Proposal.)

Proposed Addition #1, Admissions:

3.A.iii.3: They may delegate any of the above powers to one or more Sub-
Coordinators, who they will hold responsibility over.
a. The elected Coordinator may remove or replace these Sub-Coordinators at will. Council may remove these Sub-Coordinators with a majority vote.
b. The elected Coordinator is responsible for all disputed issues that are brought before Council involving any authority delegated to their Sub-Coordinators.

Proposed Addition #2, Archivist:

3.A.v.3: They may delegate any of the above powers to one or more Sub-
Coordinators, who they will hold responsibility over.
a. The elected Coordinator may remove or replace these Sub-Coordinators at will. Council may remove these Sub-Coordinators with a majority vote.
b. The elected Coordinator is responsible for all disputed issues that are brought before Council involving any authority delegated to their Sub-Coordinators.

Proposed Addition #3, Web Coordinator:

3.A.vi.2: They may delegate any of the above powers to one or more Sub-
Coordinators, who they will hold responsibility over.
a. The appointed Coordinator, or the Head Coordinator, may remove or replace these Sub-Coordinators at will. Council may remove these Sub-Coordinators with a majority vote.
b. The appointed Coordinator is responsible for all disputed issues that are brought before Council involving any authority delegated to their Sub-Coordinators.

Thank you.

Jenn Louise
OWbN Head Coordinator

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